Friday, August 29, 2008

Finally updated my blog yet again...

Reason why i can't update my blog earlier. And I'm gonna update it all in one post. Friends who bitched about my blog didn't update.... COME LA VIEW MY UPDATED BLOG, SKED IZZIT?

Both picture clearly showed that i injured my right hand, went for medical treatment(tabib cina). lols.

Imagine u can't do shit in 5 days with your right hand, sucks badly ! No dotA, attending classes can't take notes, going lab classes can't use PC, with funny lecturer keep asking me to rest my hand. duh....

After that me and my fellow kerazee friends had durian fever at my house.

Durians, duku langsat, and rambutans :D

Celis, our model for the opening ceremony of Durian Fest, initiates the launch of Durian Night 2008.

Everyone starts to eat and fooling around. -_-zzz

  1. Me in wannabe acting in "COME LA, SKED IZZIT !!!??" durian fight.
  2. Yap acting as god of DURIAN gambler, eat durian only, dun wan chocs... LMFAO
  3. This chibet Reuben, eat rambutan also get horny, licking it like.. ehem u know wat...
  4. Law in love with Reuben's style of rambutan eating. Licking ftw !

After finish raping the fruits... ;)

Then i went back to kl, to meet with my fellow friends and also being my neighbour since childhood :)

Left to right: Ah Seng, Seth Wei, me and Daniel.

Grew up with them since childhood times..., lot'sa happy, crazy, and sad memories shared.This are the buddies that will never separate and help without hestitating. Seth Wei is going to Taiwan soon, keep lansi me that he will find "Ping Nan Mei".. -_-zzz
All the best to you man !

Dinner at JOGOYA, Starhill, in KL with Ryan and Sying.

Sying posing at JOGOYA, she ate until her stomach bloated. GG

Ryan Justin acting cute yet again. Can u imagine why is he holding 2 coconut? o.0

Handsome me as usual posing, what style also leng ! ;)

Last but not least, this is a funny picture i got from someone's blog. Please Malaysia goverment don't block ISP from people viewing my blog like what you did on Malaysia Today's site. IMBA Goverment. Source from thestar.

Sigh afterall BN is getting weaker and even the people are losing faith in them. Aliluya Malaysia.